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Healthy Eating, Obesity & Diabetes

Power Walk

Priority Three

Unhealthy individual behaviors like smoking, lack of physical activity, and poor eating habits are major contributors to the leading chronic diseases.  


The lack of healthy food choices, lack of physical activity, and obesity all contribute to the county's high rate of diabetes. Four of the leading causes of death in Cochise County are related to chronic disease. Chronic disease is defined as a health condition lasting three months or longer that generally cannot be prevented by vaccines and does not "get better" or disappear on its own. Some chronic disease include: heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and arthritis. These chronic disease are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems.



The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) catalogues who has limited access to healthy food by determining what percentage of low-income residents live close to a grocery store (within 10 miles in rural areas). 


Unhealthy individual behaviors like smoking, lack of physical activity, and poor eating habits are major contributors to the leading chronic diseases. 




  • Screen time refers to the amount of time spent watching TV (videos, movies, playing games, or using computers)

  • Screen time also refers to using your phone to text or go on social media 

  • There are positive correlations between screen time and levels of overweight and obesity 

  • Screen time also may contribute to overweight and obesity because you are being less active. 

  • Screen time is also associated with increased snacking and increased demand for energy dense foods. 

  • Excessive screen time has also been linked to poor cognitive performance, antisocial behavior, and reduced sleep time. 



The Building Healthy Communities Project

Promotes Healthy Eating & Active Living in Cochise County


Priority three, Goal One is generously funded by the Legacy Foundation's Building Healthy Communities Grant awarded to the leading agency - the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension in July 2018. 

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The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension was selected as the organization to receive a $2 million strategic grant provided over 3 years to support work in the community focused on improving options for healthy eating and active living.


The Legacy Foundation, as a community partner with Cochise Health and Social Services, assisted in completing the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). As one of the three top priorities, Healthy Eating, Obesity, and Diabetes, the foundation designated the entire $2 million Strategic Grant towards this goal. Called the Building Healthy Communities Project, this grant was able to staff five full-time employees dedicated to promote healthy eating and active living in Cochise County. The staff includes a Sr. Program Coordinator, two program coordinators dedicated to support the Healthy Communities Committees, a School Liaison, and a Garden & Pantry Specialist. Click here for more information. 


Questions? Contact: Charlotte Taylor, M.Ed, 

Building Healthy Communities Program Coordinator, Sr.,

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